@core @core_blog Feature: Comment on a blog entry In order to respond to a blog post As a user I need to be able to comment on a blog entry Background: Given the following "users" exist: | username | firstname | lastname | email | | testuser | Test | User | moodle@example.com | | testuser2 | Test2 | User2 | moodle2@example.com | And I log in as "admin" And I am on site homepage And I turn editing mode on # TODO MDL-57120 "Site blogs" link not accessible without navigation block. And I add the "Navigation" block if not present And I configure the "Navigation" block And I set the following fields to these values: | Page contexts | Display throughout the entire site | And I press "Save changes" And I log out And I log in as "testuser" And I navigate to "Site blogs" node in "Site pages" And I follow "Add a new entry" And I set the following fields to these values: | Entry title | Blog post from user 1 | | Blog entry body | User 1 blog post content | And I press "Save changes" And I log out @javascript Scenario: Commenting on my own blog entry Given I am on site homepage And I log in as "testuser" And I navigate to "Site blogs" node in "Site pages" And I follow "Blog post from user 1" And I should see "User 1 blog post content" And I follow "Comments (0)" When I set the field "content" to "$My own >nasty< \"string\"!" And I follow "Save comment" Then I should see "$My own >nasty< \"string\"!" And I set the field "content" to "Another $Nasty " And I follow "Save comment" And I should see "Comments (2)" in the ".comment-link" "css_element" @javascript Scenario: Deleting my own comment Given I am on site homepage And I log in as "testuser" And I navigate to "Site blogs" node in "Site pages" And I follow "Blog post from user 1" And I should see "User 1 blog post content" And I follow "Comments (0)" And I set the field "content" to "$My own >nasty< \"string\"!" And I follow "Save comment" When I click on ".comment-delete a" "css_element" # Waiting for the animation to finish. And I wait "4" seconds Then I should not see "$My own >nasty< \"string\"!" And I follow "Blog post from user 1" And I click on ".comment-link" "css_element" And I should not see "$My own >nasty< \"string\"!" And I should see "Comments (0)" in the ".comment-link" "css_element" @javascript Scenario: Commenting on someone's blog post Given I am on site homepage And I log in as "testuser2" And I am on site homepage And I navigate to "Site blogs" node in "Site pages" And I follow "Blog post from user 1" When I follow "Comments (0)" And I set the field "content" to "$My own >nasty< \"string\"!" And I follow "Save comment" Then I should see "$My own >nasty< \"string\"!"