@core @core_tag Feature: Manager is able to delete tags In order to use tags As a manager I need to be able to delete them Background: Given the following "users" exist: | username | firstname | lastname | email | interests | | manager1 | Manager | 1 | manager1@example.com | | | user1 | User | 1 | user1@example.com | Cat,Dog,Turtle | And the following "system role assigns" exist: | user | course | role | | manager1 | Acceptance test site | manager | And the following "tags" exist: | name | isstandard | | Neverusedtag | 1 | Scenario: Deleting a tag with javascript disabled When I log in as "manager1" And I navigate to "Manage tags" node in "Site administration > Appearance" And I follow "Default collection" And I click on "Delete" "link" in the "Dog" "table_row" And I should see "Tag(s) deleted" Then I should not see "Dog" And I follow "Cat" And I follow "User 1" And I should see "Cat" And I should not see "Dog" And I log out Scenario: Deleting multiple tags with javascript disabled When I log in as "manager1" And I navigate to "Manage tags" node in "Site administration > Appearance" And I follow "Default collection" And I set the following fields to these values: | Select tag Dog | 1 | | Select tag Neverusedtag | 1 | And I press "Delete selected" Then I should see "Tag(s) deleted" And I should not see "Dog" And I should not see "Neverusedtag" And I follow "Cat" And I follow "User 1" And I should see "Cat" And I should not see "Dog" And I log out @javascript Scenario: Deleting a tag with javascript enabled When I log in as "manager1" And I navigate to "Manage tags" node in "Site administration > Appearance" And I follow "Default collection" And I click on "Delete" "link" in the "Turtle" "table_row" Then I should see "Are you sure you want to delete this tag?" And I press "No" And I should not see "Tag(s) deleted" And I should see "Turtle" And I click on "Delete" "link" in the "Dog" "table_row" And I should see "Are you sure you want to delete this tag?" And I press "Yes" And I should see "Tag(s) deleted" And I should not see "Dog" And I follow "Default collection" And I should not see "Dog" And I follow "Cat" And I follow "User 1" And I should see "Cat" And I should not see "Dog" And I log out @javascript Scenario: Deleting multiple tags with javascript enabled When I log in as "manager1" And I navigate to "Manage tags" node in "Site administration > Appearance" And I follow "Default collection" And I press "Delete selected" And I should not see "Are you sure" And I should not see "Tag(s) deleted" And I set the following fields to these values: | Select tag Cat | 1 | And I press "Delete selected" And I should see "Are you sure you want to delete selected tags?" And I press "No" And I should not see "Tag(s) deleted" And I should see "Cat" And I set the following fields to these values: | Select tag Cat | 0 | | Select tag Dog | 1 | | Select tag Neverusedtag | 1 | And I press "Delete selected" And I should see "Are you sure you want to delete selected tags?" And I press "Yes" And I should see "Tag(s) deleted" And I should not see "Dog" And I should not see "Neverusedtag" And I follow "Default collection" And I should not see "Dog" And I should not see "Neverusedtag" And I follow "Cat" And I follow "User 1" And I should see "Cat" And I should not see "Dog" And I log out