@core @core_tag Feature: Users can flag tags and manager can reset flags In order to use tags As a user I need to be able to flag the tag as inappropriate Background: Given the following "users" exist: | username | firstname | lastname | email | interests | | manager1 | Manager | 1 | manager1@example.com | | | user1 | User | 1 | user1@example.com | Nicetag, Badtag, Sweartag | | user2 | User | 2 | user2@example.com | | | user3 | User | 3 | user3@example.com | | And the following "system role assigns" exist: | user | course | role | | manager1 | Acceptance test site | manager | And the following "tags" exist: | name | isstandard | | Neverusedtag | 1 | And I log in as "admin" And I set the following system permissions of "Authenticated user" role: | capability | permission | | moodle/site:viewparticipants | Allow | | moodle/user:viewdetails | Allow | And I log out And I log in as "user2" And I press "Customise this page" # TODO MDL-57120 site "Tags" link not accessible without navigation block. And I add the "Navigation" block if not present And I navigate to "Tags" node in "Site pages" And I follow "Nicetag" And I follow "User 1" And I follow "Badtag" And I follow "Flag as inappropriate" And I should see "The person responsible will be notified" And I am on homepage And I navigate to "Tags" node in "Site pages" And I follow "Nicetag" And I follow "User 1" And I follow "Sweartag" And I follow "Flag as inappropriate" And I should see "The person responsible will be notified" And I log out And I log in as "user3" And I press "Customise this page" # TODO MDL-57120 site "Tags" link not accessible without navigation block. And I add the "Navigation" block if not present And I navigate to "Tags" node in "Site pages" And I follow "Nicetag" And I follow "User 1" And I follow "Sweartag" And I follow "Flag as inappropriate" And I should see "The person responsible will be notified" And I log out @javascript Scenario: Managing tag flags When I log in as "manager1" And I navigate to "Manage tags" node in "Site administration > Appearance" And I follow "Default collection" Then "Sweartag" "link" should appear before "Badtag" "link" And "Badtag" "link" should appear before "Nicetag" "link" And "(2)" "text" should exist in the "//tr[contains(.,'Sweartag')]//td[contains(@class,'col-flag')]" "xpath_element" And "(1)" "text" should exist in the "//tr[contains(.,'Badtag')]//td[contains(@class,'col-flag')]" "xpath_element" And "(" "text" should not exist in the "//tr[contains(.,'Nicetag')]//td[contains(@class,'col-flag')]" "xpath_element" And "(" "text" should not exist in the "//tr[contains(.,'Neverusedtag')]//td[contains(@class,'col-flag')]" "xpath_element" And I click on "Reset flag" "link" in the "Sweartag" "table_row" And I click on "Reset flag" "link" in the "Badtag" "table_row" And I wait until "//tr[contains(.,'Sweartag')]//a[contains(@title,'Flag as inappropriate')]" "xpath_element" exists And I click on "Flag as inappropriate" "link" in the "Sweartag" "table_row" And I click on "Flag as inappropriate" "link" in the "Nicetag" "table_row" And "(1)" "text" should exist in the "//tr[contains(.,'Sweartag')]//td[contains(@class,'col-flag')]" "xpath_element" And "(1)" "text" should exist in the "//tr[contains(.,'Nicetag')]//td[contains(@class,'col-flag')]" "xpath_element" And "(" "text" should not exist in the "//tr[contains(.,'Badtag')]//td[contains(@class,'col-flag')]" "xpath_element" And "(" "text" should not exist in the "//tr[contains(.,'Neverusedtag')]//td[contains(@class,'col-flag')]" "xpath_element" And I follow "Default collection" And "Nicetag" "link" should appear before "Sweartag" "link" And "Sweartag" "link" should appear before "Badtag" "link" And "(1)" "text" should exist in the "//tr[contains(.,'Sweartag')]//td[contains(@class,'col-flag')]" "xpath_element" And "(1)" "text" should exist in the "//tr[contains(.,'Nicetag')]//td[contains(@class,'col-flag')]" "xpath_element" And "(" "text" should not exist in the "//tr[contains(.,'Badtag')]//td[contains(@class,'col-flag')]" "xpath_element" And "(" "text" should not exist in the "//tr[contains(.,'Neverusedtag')]//td[contains(@class,'col-flag')]" "xpath_element" And I log out