@core @core_tag Feature: Manager can add standard tags and change the tag type of existing tags In order to use tags As a manage I need to be able to change tag type Background: Given the following "users" exist: | username | firstname | lastname | email | | manager1 | Manager | 1 | manager1@example.com | | user1 | User | 1 | user1@example.com | And the following "system role assigns" exist: | user | course | role | | manager1 | Acceptance test site | manager | And the following "tags" exist: | name | isstandard | | Tag0 | 0 | | Tag1 | 0 | | Tag2 | 0 | | Tag3 | 1 | @javascript Scenario: Adding standard tags When I log in as "manager1" And I navigate to "Manage tags" node in "Site administration > Appearance" And I follow "Default collection" Then "Make standard" "link" should exist in the "Tag0" "table_row" And "Make standard" "link" should exist in the "Tag1" "table_row" And "Make standard" "link" should exist in the "Tag2" "table_row" And "Remove from standard tags" "link" should exist in the "Tag3" "table_row" And I follow "Add standard tags" And I set the field "Enter comma-separated list of new tags" to "Tag1,TAG2,Tag3,Tag4,Tag5" And I press "Continue" And I should see "Standard tag(s) added" # No changes to Tag0 And "Make standard" "link" should exist in the "Tag0" "table_row" # Tag1 was already present, now it is standard And "Remove from standard" "link" should exist in the "Tag1" "table_row" # Tag2 was already present, now it is standard. It was not renamed to TAG2 And "Remove from standard" "link" should exist in the "Tag2" "table_row" And I should not see "TAG2" # Tag3 was already present and it already was standard And "Remove from standard tags" "link" should exist in the "Tag3" "table_row" # Tag4 and Tag5 were added as standard And "Remove from standard tags" "link" should exist in the "Tag4" "table_row" And "Remove from standard tags" "link" should exist in the "Tag5" "table_row" And I log out @javascript Scenario: Changing tag isstandard When I log in as "manager1" And I navigate to "Manage tags" node in "Site administration > Appearance" And I follow "Default collection" And I click on "Make standard" "link" in the "Tag0" "table_row" And I click on "Make standard" "link" in the "Tag1" "table_row" And I wait until "//tr[contains(.,'Tag0')]//a[contains(@title,'Remove from standard tags')]" "xpath_element" exists And I wait until "//tr[contains(.,'Tag1')]//a[contains(@title,'Remove from standard tags')]" "xpath_element" exists And I click on "Remove from standard tags" "link" in the "Tag0" "table_row" And I click on "Remove from standard tags" "link" in the "Tag3" "table_row" And I wait until "//tr[contains(.,'Tag0')]//a[contains(@title,'Make standard')]" "xpath_element" exists And I wait until "//tr[contains(.,'Tag3')]//a[contains(@title,'Make standard')]" "xpath_element" exists Then "Make standard" "link" should exist in the "Tag0" "table_row" And "Remove from standard tags" "link" should exist in the "Tag1" "table_row" And "Make standard" "link" should exist in the "Tag2" "table_row" And "Make standard" "link" should exist in the "Tag3" "table_row" And I follow "Default collection" And "Make standard" "link" should exist in the "Tag0" "table_row" And "Remove from standard tags" "link" should exist in the "Tag1" "table_row" And "Make standard" "link" should exist in the "Tag2" "table_row" And "Make standard" "link" should exist in the "Tag3" "table_row" And I log out Scenario: Changing tag isstandard in edit form When I log in as "manager1" And I navigate to "Manage tags" node in "Site administration > Appearance" And I follow "Default collection" And I click on "Edit this tag" "link" in the "Tag1" "table_row" And I set the following fields to these values: | Standard | 1 | And I press "Update" Then "Remove from standard tags" "link" should exist in the "Tag1" "table_row" And I click on "Edit this tag" "link" in the "Tag1" "table_row" And I set the following fields to these values: | Standard | 0 | And I press "Update" And "Make standard" "link" should exist in the "Tag1" "table_row" And I log out @javascript Scenario: Changing standard tags property of tag area When I log in as "manager1" And I open my profile in edit mode And I expand all fieldsets And I should not see "Manage standard tags" And I set the following fields to these values: | List of interests | Tag3 , Tag2 | And I press "Update profile" And I navigate to "Manage tags" node in "Site administration > Appearance" And I click on "Change standard tag usage" "link" in the "//table[contains(@class,'tag-areas-table')]//tr[contains(.,'User interests')]" "xpath_element" And the field "Change showing standard tags in area User interests" matches value "Don't suggest" And I set the field "Change showing standard tags in area User interests" to "Suggest" And I open my profile in edit mode And I expand all fieldsets And I should see "Manage standard tags" And I navigate to "Manage tags" node in "Site administration > Appearance" And I click on "Change standard tag usage" "link" in the "//table[contains(@class,'tag-areas-table')]//tr[contains(.,'User interests')]" "xpath_element" And the field "Change showing standard tags in area User interests" matches value "Suggest" And I set the field "Change showing standard tags in area User interests" to "Force" And I follow "Profile" in the user menu And I should see "Tag3" And I should see "Tag2" And I click on "Edit profile" "link" in the "region-main" "region" And I expand all fieldsets And I should see "Manage standard tags" And I press "Update profile" # Non-standard tags were automatically removed on form save. And I should see "Tag3" And I should not see "Tag2" And I log out